3 Things You Might Not Know About Church

Church is a very important part of many of our lives. While there has been a big push to drive religion out of the public square, religion and church (or temple, or mosque, or whatever you happen to call it) have long been vital parts of our private, personal individual lives. But when it comes to the phrase, “going to church,” do we all automatically come to the same conclusion about a Sunday morning trip to a large building with a steeple and long benches inside?

Just for fun, let’s play around with semantics and explore a little bit more about “church” and what it could really mean. Maybe a couple of surprises in store?


One of the basic definitions of church is a place for worship. The assumption is that worship assumes a deity of some kind, but think about that for a second. Couldn’t church refer to any place where there is some kind of public worship going on? How about a place where a popular political figure is speaking and attracts thousands of people who agree with him or at least are of the same mindset? Those who are dedicated to a person or a belief system are gathering as a form of worship to that person or belief system, are they not?

And worship means “adoring reverence.” Can you imagine people giving adoring reverence not to God or Allah, but rather to a belief system or to a person, or even a favorite sports team? Couldn’t that be considered church, since “worship” can occur in these settings, even if not in a religious building?


A church also has the idea of a gathering place in its definition, as a place where people gather to worship. What constitutes a gathering? A family around the living room? A group of people from different parts of town who don’t know each other? In this case, to truly define a church, a church should be a place where people gather and worship – this could mean any people who are paying reverence to something – whether it is deity or a belief system or a person. Even a family reunion can be church, because it is a gathering of people who are paying reverence to family and the ties that bind.


Another key word in the definition of church is what is within the word “worship,” which is “reverence.” Reverence is a word that implies great respect and devotion, or love. Those who gather in a place for worship do so out of love for that which is being worshipped. And by extension, if all the people gathered love the same person, thing or idea, they can all express love for one another as well because of a common bond that brings them all together into the same place.

At the end of the day, when you really think about what makes a “church,” it is not the building – it is the place where people gather for some common love to share – whether it’s a love of music, theater, sports, family. Church has become a religious term, but at its most basic core it is not a religious concept. Church can be almost anywhere. And if you are looking to develop such a gathering place, maybe you could be in the market for some great seating for the gathering to congregate and share that common bond of love. If so, you can check out the best online option for church seating to put forth the real definition of church by encouraging the gathering of common hearts and minds in comfort and support. It’s a place called Pews.com and it loves gatherings for a common purpose – just like we humans.

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